Over one million Earths can fit on the sun.It is too Hot to get close to.It is a Star.
It is the closest planet to the sun. It is too hot and dry to live on. There is no air.
It is the second planet from the sun.Almost the same size as Earth.It has the same gravity as Earth.And has deadly poisonous clouds (acid)
The third planet from the sun. The Only planet that we know of that supports life. It has gravity, air, water, etc.
It is the forth planet from the sun. Its called the red planet. It has red dust and ice.
The fifth planet from the sun. The Only planet with a big red spot (a storm that is very wide) It is the Largest planet in the Solar System.
The sixth planet from the sun.Very cold It has an outer ring around the planet.
The seventh planet from the sun.It is very cold.It has an outer ring around the planet.Unable to see stars because of storms of clouds.
The eight planet from the sun. It is very cold. The planet is blue in color.
The farthest planet from the sun. It is the coldest planet. It is very dark. The sun looks very small from this planet. You can see many stars from here.