Created by: Robbie Davidson


Turtle facts

The first known turtles existed 200 million years ago.
* There are approximately 300 species of turtles.
* Turtles live on every continent except Antarctica.
* Turtles are cold-blooded. One way they regulate their temperature is by basking.
* Some turtles, such as the Musk turtle, emit an odor when startled.
* Not all turtles and tortoises hibernate.
* The blood of hibernating turtles acts somewhat like antifreeze, allowing it to tolerate cold temperatures.
* Some female turtles produce eggs four years after mating.
* Many species make sound, especially while mating.
* Incubation temperature determines the sex of the hatchling.
* All turtles lay their eggs on land.
* Hatching turtles have an egg tooth at the end of their beak to help open the egg.
* Some land turtles can out run a human.
* The smallest turtle, the Speckled Padloper is 4". The largest is the Leatherback sea turtle, that can
reach up to 10' in length.
* Turtle shells DO break.


gary said...

I have a turtle but he is little.

kamie said...

Turtles are funney.

mandy said...

I have a little turtle.