Dogs were first domesticated from wolves at least 17,000 years ago.
No one knows for sure when the dog became man's best friend. It most likely began tens of thousands of years ago, when hunters began making partnerships with wolves.Dogs are colorblind.
Dogs do not sweat they pant.A dog's sense of smell is 1 million times greater than humans. A dog's sense of smell is 1 million times greater than humans.A dog can pick up movement very well.
No one knows for sure when the dog became man's best friend. It most likely began tens of thousands of years ago, when hunters began making partnerships with wolves.Dogs are colorblind.
Dogs do not sweat they pant.A dog's sense of smell is 1 million times greater than humans. A dog's sense of smell is 1 million times greater than humans.A dog can pick up movement very well.
Wow. Dogs have been around a long time.
I love my dog.
My dog's name is Roscoe.
my dogs name is spot
my dog is white and his name is oliver.
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