Female butterflies usually are bigger and live longer than male butterflies.
A butterfly has compound eyes: each eye is made up of about 6,000 tiny parts called lenses, which let in light.
The Queen Alexandra’s birdwing from the island of New Guinea is the largest butterfly; it can have a wingspan of 11 inches!
Most butterflies make no sound, but some in Florida and Texas make a loud clicking sound with their wings.
Butterflies do not get bigger as they age - a young butterfly is a caterpillar! Butterflies are related to crabs and lobsters! Why? Because like those sea creatures, butterflies have skeletons on the outside of their bodiesButterflies weigh only as much as two rose petals, but can fly thousands of miles
A butterfly has compound eyes: each eye is made up of about 6,000 tiny parts called lenses, which let in light.
The Queen Alexandra’s birdwing from the island of New Guinea is the largest butterfly; it can have a wingspan of 11 inches!
Most butterflies make no sound, but some in Florida and Texas make a loud clicking sound with their wings.
Butterflies do not get bigger as they age - a young butterfly is a caterpillar! Butterflies are related to crabs and lobsters! Why? Because like those sea creatures, butterflies have skeletons on the outside of their bodiesButterflies weigh only as much as two rose petals, but can fly thousands of miles
I love butterflies. I went to the butterfly museum in Houston one time.
Butterflies are beautiful.
I am sad butterflys do not live longer.
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