Black bears in residential neighborhoods aren’t exactly unheard of in Juneau. While many people stay inside when bears are about, one local woman says she had a different instinct when she saw her dog was in trouble. It started out as a typical evening for 22-year-old Brooke Collins. She let her dogs out as usual but this time, she said there was a black bear outside who took hold of her dachshund Fudge. She said she feared for her pet’s life and, in an instant, ran over and punched the bear right in the face to make it let go. “It was all so fast. All I could think about was my dog was going to die,” said Collins. Her dog suffered some claw and bite marks but they weren’t deep so she said she decided not to take Fudge to the vet. More
Ha Ha. Bet that bear was surprised.
This is a funny story.
Take this bear. Kapow!
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