Kids Nutty News: News of the day of interest to kids plus interesting facts and fun stuff.
Created by: Robbie Davidson
Pot hole saves girl’s life
Cats increasingly named after food by their owners
A survey by the Cats Protection charity discovered that owners across the UK often think of their own food tastes and are fond of naming their pets after snacks. Instead of Tiddles and Thomas, names like Pringle, Saffron, Sushi and Jellybean are increasingly popular, say the Sussex-based charity which questioned more than 1,000 people aged between five and 70. The research also found that one of the most trendy names for pet cats nowadays is Pilchard. The charity launched the survey hoping people would come up with names for the stray and abandoned cats that come into its care. More
Ketchup banned in schools
Bear with sweet tooth feasts at candy store

A bear has feasted on pecan logs, caramel apples and other treats at a candy store in the Smoky Mountains resort town Gatlinburg, Tenn. Employees reporting for work found the bear at the Ole Smoky Candy Kitchen, where the animal apparently had knocked a hole in a glass front door to enter. The animal had spread candy on the floor, and wrappers and packaging were strewn throughout a back storeroom. Pecan logs had been chewed and chunks were missing out of caramel apples. More
Fun day at the beach – Piranhas bite 100

Authorities in a state in Brazil’s northeast are scrambling to take the fright and the bite off the beach after piranhas sunk their teeth into about 100 beachgoers. The problem — rather fearsome given piranhas’ horror-movie teeth and ability to sink them into human flesh — has been the biggest at the main beach area in Piaui state; authorities said they need to act fast to reduce a piranha overpopulation situation. 100 bathers were treated at the hospital in Jose de Freitas not far from Terezina, Piaui’s capital, after being bitten on the heels or toes at the local beach. More
Angry bees swarmed a man in a wheelchair

Thousands of angry bees swarmed a man in a wheelchair, sending him and three others who came to his aid to the hospital in the Southern California city of Santa Ana. The attack also shut down a street and forced the evacuation of several businesses while beekeepers removed the hive, which was estimated to contain 60,000 bees. The trouble started at a storage yard when a man in a wheelchair apparently disturbed the hive, causing the bees to bombard him. “He was attacked and stung over 60 times and had fallen out of the wheelchair and was yelling for help.” The man’s cries attracted the attention of three bystanders who ran to his aid. More
78-year-old first grader starts school

A 78-year-old Bulgarian man started off the new school year like hundreds of children a fraction of his age in first grade. Apostol Stoyanov from the central village of Popovtsi never got a chance to attend school when he was a kid and decided to enroll in first grade this year, at the age of 78. The elderly man, who attended the start of classes in Gabrovo alongside another 430 first graders, told the agency that he was illiterate but had already started practicing to write letters. More
Jet-powered school bus reaches 320 mph
Are you worried about overpopulation?

Even though the planet’s population is passing 7 billion, it’s surprising how much elbow room we have. Seventy percent of the surface is water; most of the rest is mountain, desert, tundra or open farmland. By some estimates, we humans really use only about five percent of the land on this planet. Robert Kunzig of National Geographic pointed out this year that if you took all 7 billion of us and had us stand shoulder-to shoulder, we would all fit in an area the size of the city of Los Angeles.
Drought Causes Snakes To Be On The Move

As the Texas drought continues, snakes will be on the move in search of food before hibernation. If the snakes can not get enough food to build their fat stores, it will be hard for them to remain in hibernation throughout the winter months. Not only will the snakes be in search of food, they will also be attracted to areas where they will find water. “The drought has dried all of the grass that the rodents normally feed on,” said Central Texas snake expert, Jerry Cates. “It’s a chain effect, when there are less rodents for the snakes to eat, they will be ranging further and further out from their normal foraging areas.” More
Dog makes record book with world’s longest ears

Guinness World Records announced a Colorado coonhound will appear in the 2012 book after receiving the title of longest ears on a living dog. The record keeping organization said Harbor, an 8-year-old coonhound belonging to Jennifer Wert of Boulder, made it into the book with a left ear measuring 12.25 inches long and a right ear measuring 13.75 inches long. “When he was 9 months old, he was sitting in his crate and his ears were hanging down over his paws,” Wert said. More
Bat Bites Girl, 5, At Wal-Mart

A 5-year-old North Branch girl is recovering after an unusual run-in with a bat at a retail store. She’s barely able to move, all because of what happened on a trip to a Wal-Mart in Cambridge. “She’s very traumatized,” said Holly Townley, Zoe’s mother. “The bat flew down the pizza aisle, flew back at us, flew down and landed on her, attacking her and bit her leg.” Her left leg still has a mark from the bat bite. On her right leg, is a mark from the painful treatment that followed. She had a series of three shots for rabies. Although doctors don’t know for sure whether or not the bat had rabies, they consider it rabid because bats don’t bite. The attack itself was traumatizing, but the treatment’s side effects are causing even more problems. “She had a 103-degree temp, very achy, sore joints - almost as if she were a 90-year-old man,” said Holly. After three trips to the emergency room, Holly asked Wal-Mart to help to pay medical bills, but she said they refused. More
Former cowboy lassos dogs in canal

A farmworker who says he learned how to lasso 30 years ago while working on a cattle ranch in Mexico still knows his ropes. Jesus Villanueva was working when he heard a disturbance along the Roza irrigation canal. A woman and her husband were trying to save their two dogs being swept away in the current. The dogs couldn’t climb up the steep concrete sides of the canal. A Yakima sheriff’s deputy had a rope but was having no luck. It took Villanueva just one lasso for each dog to bring them ashore. Noya Deats had run nearly three miles along the canal, trying to save her dogs while calling her husband and the sheriff’s office for help. Despite signs warning folks to stay out of the canal, Deats said she has let her dogs, Fawn and Nia, off their leash before without any problems. But when they decided to take a swim they were swept away. More
The tallest building in the world
Bat causes airliner to land

A bat got loose on an Atlanta-bound flight, forcing horrified passengers to duck for cover. The flying mammal appeared about 15 minutes after Delta flight 5121, operated by Atlantic Southeast Airlines, took off from Madison, Wis., and cruised around the cabin above passengers’ heads. “The captain called the control tower to say the plane was returning to the airport to remove a winged animal.” said Brent McHenry, spokesperson for the Dane County Regional Airport in Madison. A passenger near the rear of the plane shooed the bat into the restroom and shut the door, to the cheers of fellow riders. When the plane landed the bat flew into the terminal. More
Roads being closed for toads

Two roads Canada’s British Columbia, are being closed for the annual migration of baby western toads. Ryder Lake and Elk View roads in Chilliwack will be closed with what locals call “toad blocks” for a few hours each day for the next two weeks. About 1 million baby toads, about the size of a fingernail, will make the migration from the lake areas where they are born to wooded areas where they will live their adult lives. More
Woman saves dog by punching bear in face

Black bears in residential neighborhoods aren’t exactly unheard of in Juneau. While many people stay inside when bears are about, one local woman says she had a different instinct when she saw her dog was in trouble. It started out as a typical evening for 22-year-old Brooke Collins. She let her dogs out as usual but this time, she said there was a black bear outside who took hold of her dachshund Fudge. She said she feared for her pet’s life and, in an instant, ran over and punched the bear right in the face to make it let go. “It was all so fast. All I could think about was my dog was going to die,” said Collins. Her dog suffered some claw and bite marks but they weren’t deep so she said she decided not to take Fudge to the vet. More
Woman Too Fat To Get In car, Lets Niece, 6, Drive
Squirrel blamed for flag thefts from memorial
Jogger struck by hawk
Chihuahua Blamed For Halting Neighborhood’s Mail

Residents in one Vallejo neighborhood started seeing mail arrive again, which signaled the end of a several-day service suspension imposed on them after a mailman was spooked by a local Chihuahua. The suspension began when Mocha, a 1-and-a-1/2-year-old Chihuahua, ran up to a mailman who walking his route on Vervais Ave. and circled the carrier a few times, according to the dog’s owner. The dog’s owner, who wished to remain anonymous, said the mailman became upset and announced he was putting the neighborhood’s mail delivery on hold. The following day, residents on the 500 block of Vervais Ave. said a letter arrived in their mailboxes telling them that home delivery would not resume until the dog was secured on a leash or in some other fashion. Until then, neighbors would have to go to the local post office for their mail. More
Bear smacked man off his bicycle, ripped tire off

A Panama City man is recovering after colliding with a black bear while riding his bike to work. John Hearn said he saw something out of the corner of his eye while riding hib bike to work. The nearly 300-pound bear smacked him off his bicycle and then fled into some nearby woods. Passing motorists stopped to help Hearn, who sustained minor injuries. The back tire of his bike was also ripped off. More
Dog eats $10K worth of diamonds

The pooch dined on a meal of $10,000 worth of diamonds. Honey Bun often walks the counters at John Ross Jewelers. He’s not much of a guard dog, but he is great with customer relations. “He’s been loved,” said co-owner Chuck Roberts. Customers sometimes hide treats in their purse for Honey Bun. It happened two weeks ago when a customer came in. “A customer came in and I jumped up out of my chair and came out here to wait on him. And I left the chair where you could jump up on my chair and jump up on my desk,” said Roberts. On the desk: four packs of loose diamonds, about a carat each to set in diamond earrings, pens, and dog treats. When he returned, only three packs remained, and an empty pouch was lying on the floor. “The next afternoon, sure enough, the earring back and two diamonds were recovered.” More
Four foot crack on the Washington Monument

There is a four-foot-long by one-inch-wide crack on the Washington Monument. The crack is located at the very top of the monument on the west side of the pyramidion, the four-sided pyramid portion of the building. The crack is not visible to the naked eye when one is looking at it from the ground. The Washington Monument remains temporarily closed as engineers inspect the structure for additional damage from the earthquake. Line describes the cracks as being in the “upper, upper, upper” part of the 555-foot-tall monument. He says engineers are inside the building and would continue to evaluate the situation as necessary. He adds there is no timetable for when the 127-year-old structure would reopen and that the National Park Service would carefully evaluate all information before deciding how to proceed with repairs. More
Zoo Animals Go Wild Ahead of Quake

Well before any humans ducked beneath desks or sought shelter in doorways, wildlife at the zoo started to react to the oncoming earthquake. The red-ruffed lemurs started barking an alarm call, 15 minutes before the shift along the Central Virginia Seismic Zone caused Richter scales to leap at 1:51 p.m. However, the lemur’s housemates, the howler monkeys, were not as keen. They only started making noise after the zoo started shaking. The big mammals also started shrieking before the quake registered. Zookeepers said Iris the Orangutan started “belch vocalizing” before the earthquake started, and didn’t quit until it was over. Keepers say the orangutan saves that particular sound for moments of extreme upset and irritation. More
Cookie the cockatoo turns 78

Cookie may not only be the oldest animal at the Brookfield Zoo near Chicago but the oldest Major Mitchell cockatoo in any zoo, a spokeswoman said. Sondra Katzen told the Chicago Tribune the venerable Cookie turned 78 and is the only remaining resident from the zoo’s opening in 1938. The pink Major Mitchell has been going strong since the Roosevelt administration and appears to be the oldest of its species at any zoo, Katzen said. Cookie was shipped to the United States from Australia when it was just 1 year old. More
Penguin Critically Ill - Thought Sand Was Snow, Ate It

“Happy Feet,” the emperor penguin who took a wrong turn somewhere in Antarctica and wound up on a New Zealand beach, remained critically ill after a second operation to remove sand from his stomach, the Sunday Star-Times reported. Vets told the Star-Times that there is still more sand in Happy Feet’s stomach and while the penguin may undergo another procedure, additional surgery may further endanger his life. One danger is that the sand may harden into balls that could rupture the penguin’s stomach. It was thought the penguin may have mistaken the sand for snow. More
Light bulb been burning for 110 years

An incandescent light bulb recognized by Guinness World Records as being the longest burning is still glowing strong days after celebrations that marked its 110th anniversary. The Centennial Light Bulb, at Fire Station No. 6 in Livermore, Calif., has been burning bright since it was first installed in 1901. Since then, the 60-watt bulb has been alight 24 hours a day, operating at about 4 watts, to provide night illumination of the fire engines. Other than a few power outages, there has only been one break in its operation, when it was removed from one fire station and fitted in another in 1976. More
7-year-old boy charged with driving a car

A 7-year-old Michigan boy who drove a car at high speeds for 20 miles has been charged with unlawful use of a vehicle. Huron County Prosecutor Tim Rutkowski said he will not seek to remove the boy from his home. He says he filed the juvenile charge to get the boy and his family some assistance, such as counseling. Rutkowski says it’s “strictly” to help the boy. The boy told authorities that he drove off in his stepfather’s car to see his father, who also lives in Huron County, 110 miles north of Detroit. Still in his pajamas, the boy reached speeds of 50 to 60 mph before police boxed him in and he stopped the car on a rural road. More
Kids Gummi Bears attract real bear

For one bear in Monroe County, it wasn’t as easy as taking candy from a baby. A bear reportedly advancing on a 2-year-old girl holding candy in Coolbaugh Township was chased away by a neighbor who fired three warning shots at the bear, Pocono Mountain Regional Police said. Game Commission officials say the 150- to 200-pound black bear likely wandered into the Pocono Country Place developments looking for food and was attracted to the candy the girl was holding: Gummi Bears. More
Graduates received diplomas with spelling errors

Graduates of a Massachusetts high school who received diplomas this month containing spelling errors are getting corrected versions - plus an apology. The diplomas handed out to 263 Plymouth North graduates had the word “for” spelled “fro” while the word “and” was spelled “ans.” Schools officials signed all of them without noticing. Principal Kathleen McSweeney tells The Enterprise of Brockton that Jostens, the Minnesota company that printed the diplomas, sent new ones to the school. School officials will sign them and mail them this week. More
Penguin takes wrong turn, stops off at New Zealand

New Zealand - He’s healthy, well-fed and far from home. And he’s quickly become the most popular attraction on a New Zealand beach. If only he could talk. A young penguin apparently took a wrong turn while swimming near Antarctica and endured a 2,000-mile journey to New Zealand, the first time in 44 years that one of the creatures has been sighted here in the wild. Estimated to be about 10 months old and 32 inches (80 centimeters) tall, the Emperor penguin was probably born during the last Antarctic winter and may have been searching for squid and krill when it got lost, experts said. More
Grandma Shuts Down Country’s Internet

Internet service in all of Armenia was cut off for several hours when a 75-year old Georgian woman inadvertently cut the main service line between the two countries. The woman was scavenging for scrap metal when she discovered the primary fiber-optic cable which runs through the two countries. Service went down when she apparently hacked into it with a shovel severing the line. “She found the cable while collecting scrap metal and cut it with a view to stealing it,” Georgian interior ministry spokesman Zura Gvenetadze told AFP. The damage was apparently so severe that 90% of Armenian users lost access for nearly 12 hours while neighboring Georgia and some areas of Azerbajian were also affected. More
Hero Dog Facing Pit-bull Discrimination

A dog credited with saving the lives of her California family is desperately looking for a new home.Her owner says that despite being named one of the nation’s top ten “Valor Dogs” by the Humane Society, landlords are turning away “Diamond” because she’s a pit bull. Darryl Steen says Diamond woke him up when his apartment caught fire last October. He was able to get one of his daughters to safety by dropping her out of a window, but couldn’t reach the second child. When firefighters finally got to her, Diamond was laying on top of the girl in an effort to protect her from the flames. The dog suffered severe burns, but has recovered. More
City to build bike trail through rattlesnake habitat

The site selected for a Chicago-area bike-pedestrian path is adjacent to a nest of now-hibernating eastern massasauga rattlesnakes. The city of Wheeling is planning to build a paved bike and pedestrian path from the Des Plaines River to an Interstate 294 overpass. The path, to cost $1.2 million, will connect with other bicycle paths in the area. Several state agencies are deciding what to do about the snakes. The Wheeling Village Board recently hired an environmental consultant for about $25,000 to study the area. More
3-Year-Old Girl Saves Dad After Fall

A Warren County father who fell out a tree, leaving him paralyzed, is praising his 3-year-old daughter for helping save his life. Tom Wadle was 15 feet up a tree trying to cut down a limb when he fell. The only person close was his daughter Cheyenne. She yelled for help when she saw daddy fall. Almost three weeks after the accident, Wadle remains at the Mercy Medical Center intensive care unit. “Her daddy told her to go get help so she knew that was what she needed to do,” said Melissa Wadle. “She ran up and down the sidewalk hollering for help.” A neighbor heard her calls for help and called 911. More
Dolphin leaps onto boat, on woman

Florida - Florida fire officials said a dolphin weighing 600 to 700 pounds jumped onto the deck of a boat traveling on the Marco River and landed on a woman. Isles of Capri Fire officials said a charter boat captain called about 2:44 p.m. and reported the dolphin had jumped out of the water and landed on a woman on the deck of the vessel, the Naples Daily News reported. Fire Lt. Keith Perry said rescuers determined the woman, who was not named, suffered a sprained ankle. More
7 people and 110 cats live in 900 square-foot house

California - Police seized 110 cats and two children from a single residence in Santa Ana leading to two criminal complaints against the residents. Police animal services officers went to the residence after neighbors reported a foul stench. But the occupants were uncooperative, so more police were called to the scene. Once inside, control officers found seven people and the 110 cats living in a 900 square-foot space. Two children, girls ages 7 and 12, were found living in the home with their parents, grandparents and an aunt. The girls were removed from the home and are now living with other family members. Courtney Lynn Howe-Perez, 22, and Sharon Lynn Howe, 64, were allegedly running a nonprofit pet rescue from the home, called Cat Connection Rescue Network Inc., even though proper paperwork had not been filed. More
Dog knew heart attacking was coming

Oregon - A fiercely protective elderly mutt is up for a national hero award for pestering her owner in the hours before he had a heart attack and then barking for help once it struck. Ceili, a 15-year-old Lab mix, usually spends much of her day lounging in her North Portland home. But one day she stuck by her owner, Danny Fincher, trotting behind him from room to room, sometimes blocking his path. When he sat down, she licked his arms and legs and then jumped on his easy chair, sniffing his breath. “She was driving me nuts,” he said. Moments later, Fincher suffered the heart attack. More
Hotel For Dogs

France - Actuel Dogs bills itself as France’s first luxury hotel for dogs, and founders Devi and Stan Burun, a dog behavior specialist and lifelong dog-lover, also offer training programs unruly hounds and dog walks in the woods. As well as a dip in the pool, or a massage, guests including Ulysse, a bumptious yellow Labrador sporting a smart red collar, enjoy “doggy jogging,” or simply relax on cushioned couches in their luxury suites. Their tiled-floor rooms smell fresh and clean and are adorned with framed prints of dogs and equipped with televisions so dogs can watch their choice of DVDs. Owners pay between $36-$48 to leave their lucky hounds for a full day. More
Butterfly facts

Their taste sensors are located in the feet, and by standing on their food, they can taste it!
All butterflies have six legs and feet. In some species such as the monarch, the front pair of legs remains tucked up under the body most of the time, and are difficult to see. They, along with most moths have a long straw like structure called a proboscis which they use to drink nectar and juices. When not in use, the proboscis remains coiled like a garden hose.All butterflies have six legs and feet. In some species such as the monarch, the front pair of legs remains tucked up under the body most of the time, and are difficult to see. More
All butterflies have six legs and feet. In some species such as the monarch, the front pair of legs remains tucked up under the body most of the time, and are difficult to see. They, along with most moths have a long straw like structure called a proboscis which they use to drink nectar and juices. When not in use, the proboscis remains coiled like a garden hose.All butterflies have six legs and feet. In some species such as the monarch, the front pair of legs remains tucked up under the body most of the time, and are difficult to see. More
Girl Scouts fear arrest for cookie peddling

Georgia - A Girl Scout leader says young members of her troop thought they were headed to jail when a Georgia police officer told them to quit selling cookies. The girls had set up a stand at a strip mall in Villa Rica about 30 miles west of Atlanta when the officer asked them if they had a peddler’s permit. They didn’t. Troop Leader Kathy Crook was stunned. She says the scouts were told to pack it up. The younger members thought they would be taken to jail. The city’s police chief and mayor spoke with the officer. They say he did nothing wrong and that it was a misunderstanding. More
Two-Year-Old Trapped for 4 Hours in Bank Vault

Georgia - The girl was at a Wells Fargo bank branch in Conyers around closing time with her mother and grandmother, who worked at the bank. Investigators said the child wandered into the bank vault, which shut behind her, and was spotted on security cameras. Police and firefighters arrived at the scene, but were unable to open the vault because it was on a timer and had locked for the night. Conyers Police Chief Gene Wilson told reporters it was a very tense scene as authorities stood by along with the relatives, and rescue workers pumped fresh air into vents leading to the vault. The ordeal ended when an emergency locksmith was called in to open vault and free the 2-year-old. More
Maria, the goose, is Mario

A Los Angeles goose famous for flying alongside a frequent visitor’s motor scooter has been renamed from Maria to Mario. The Los Angeles Zoo, which took custody of the bird ahead of a two-year renovation project at Echo Park Lake, said its experts determined Maria the Goose was actually Mario the Gander. “He’s Mario now. But I’ll call him Maria if he doesn’t respond to Mario,” said Dominic Ehrler, 65, whose daily visits to the park included riding his scooter side-by-side with the flying goose. More
Tiny spy planes could look like birds, insects

Nutty News Washington DC - The Pentagon has poured millions of dollars into the development of tiny drones inspired by biology, each equipped with video and audio equipment that can record sights and sounds. They could be used to spy, but also to locate people inside earthquake-crumpled buildings and detect hazardous chemical leaks. One type is the hummingbird and engineers in the growing unmanned aircraft industry are working on drones that look like insects and the helicopter-like maple leaf seed. Researchers are even exploring ways to implant surveillance and other equipment into an insect as it is undergoing metamorphosis. They want to be able to control the creature. More
2 black bears trash Ford Taurus

Nutty News Florida - When Ford’s ad agency came up with the slogan “Built Ford Tough,” they may not have anticipated one of their vehicles having a run-in with two Florida black bears. Seminole County resident David Swerdlow, 63, awoke to find two Florida black bears had wreaked havoc on his 2004 silver Ford Taurus, caving in the roof and puncturing a tire. Swerdlow’s neighbor saw two bears cuddling up to the car. The neighbor saw one bear climb on top of the car, and the other lean against it. Swerdlow said there was no food inside. More
Roof collapse blamed on bird poop

Nutty News California - Vacaville Fire Department officials are blaming pigeons for the collapse of a gas station awning that nearly struck a woman who had just finished filling her tank. Vacaville resident Chris Doss had stopped at Quick Way Gas when a quarter of the station’s metal roofing came thundering down next to her under the weight of several inches of bird droppings. “It just went ‘boom’ and then it all came down,” said Doss, who had just finished putting gas in her car. She had just gotten back into her car on one side of the island and hadn’t even had a chance to put the key in the ignition when the entire roofing section on the other side of the island collapsed, giving way to an avalanche of bird droppings. More
Man sues neighbours over rude bird

Nutty News Taiwan - The offensive squawks of a pet bird so enraged a Taiwanese man that he sued its owners — his neighbours — for inflicting emotional stress and injuries. Wang Han-chin accused five neighbours of teaching their mynah, a parrot-like bird, to curse at him as revenge after he complained to the police that they were too loud. More
Cell phone keeps ringing after eaten by crocodile

Nutty News Ukraine - Gena, a 14-year-old crocodile at the Dnipropetrovsk Oceanarium, has been refusing food and acting listless after eating a cellphone dropped by a woman trying to photograph him last month. The phone kept ringing inside the crocodile for some time. Phone owner Rimma Golovko says she wants her SIM card back as it contains her photos and contacts. More
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