Created by: Robbie Davidson


Firefighters rescue man stuck in chimney

Washington - Firefighters chiseled a hole through bricks early Tuesday to rescue a man who had gotten himself stuck inside a 20-inch wide chimney space at a Washington home that had been converted to apartments.
The young man was not hurt and was not suspected of a crime, but it’s unclear why he apparently climbed into the unused chimney, Tacoma Battalion Chief Dyre Fudge said.
“Stories range from `hide and seek” to `repairing the ceiling. Nobody was able to get the straight story,” Fudge said.
“I’m in my 35th year, and it’s something different every day. You can’t make it up,” he said. More


Frank said...

What was he doing in there?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bet he was glad to get unstuck.