Created by: Robbie Davidson



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Bobcat Breaks into Prison

 Security is tight at the Monroe Corrections Complex to keep 2,400 Washington state prisoners locked up, but it couldn’t stop a bobcat from breaking in.
Officers on a perimeter fence check apparently startled the cat about 11:30 p.m., said Department of Corrections spokesman Chad Lewis.
“And it ran the wrong direction,” he said, “through the razor-wire.”
The small, agile cat was able to make it through the fence that would trap a person. It suffered a few cuts in the process.
The cat climbed up on the roof of the special offenders unit where it was spotted a few hours later, its eyes glowing in the dark. More

Big Ben prepares for Olympic role

As Big Ben prepares to chime 40 times to mark the start of the London 2012
Olympics, The Telegraph climbs the 393 steps inside the clock tower to find
out how it will be done.


Unknown woman managed to march with India`s athletes

 A mysterious woman in red has caused an international incident at the London Olympics. Indian officials are mystified - and miffed - after an unknown young woman managed to march with the country`s athletes and officials during the opening ceremony. Games organizers downplayed security concerns around the unscripted moment, saying the interloper was a ceremony cast member and had screened before entering the Olympic Park. Images from Friday`s ceremony showed a young woman in turquoise jeans and a red jacket marching alongside Indian flag bearer Sushil Kumar at the head of the delegation of 40 athletes in bright yellow and navy blue. More


Python found wrapped around baby`s foot in apartment

Police say a 2-foot-long ball python slithered its way into an Illinois apartment and wrapped itself around the foot of a sleeping 1-year-old boy and bit him on his left foot. Mattoon Police Department Deputy Chief Jason Taylor said the boy`s parents were awakened by the child`s noises to find the snake attacking their son about 11 p.m., the Mattoon Journal-Gazette amp; Times-Courier reported. The father, Devin Winans, used a blanket to pull the python off the child, and his mother took the boy to a health center for treatment of a bite mark, bruise and scratches, the newspaper reported. Investigators believe the python escaped from a neighboring apartment within the building, Taylor said. Police have not been able to find the owner. More


Dog saved toddler from drowning in pool

An Indiana mom says her dog saved her toddler son from drowning after the child fell into the family`s swimming pool. Patricia Drauch tells Fox 28 she was walking to her garage with her 14-month-old son Stanley when she noticed her child was no longer behind her. She rushed to the backyard pool, where she found Stanley face-up. Her black lab Bear was holding the child on his back, ensuring Stanley was out of the water. The child was rushed to the hospital, where he regained consciousness and emerged unscathed. More

Rottweiler needs surgery after swallowing five-inch spoon

A fruit-loving dog had to have surgery after wolfing down a strawberry along with the spoon it was served on. Max the rottweiler had to have an emergency operation after getting the five-inch teaspoon lodged in his stomach. The 10-year-old`s owner, Annette Robertshaw, of Wakefield, West Yorkshire, said her brother had been visiting her and was eating some strawberries when Max took a shine to them. He offered Max one on a teaspoon but was caught totally by surprise when the dog gulped down both items. Max did not suffer any immediate ill-effects but Mrs Robertshaw, 47, took him to her local PDSA pet hospital. An X-ray showed the spoon lodged firmly in Max`s stomach and he was rushed into surgery to remove it. PDSA veterinary surgeon Daniel Cook said: "I have never seen a dog that`s eaten a teaspoon before although we do see lots of odd things that dogs have eaten, such as socks and children`s toys."  More 

Man shoots himself trying to hit snake

A Molino man tried to remove a rattlesnake from his yard, but shot himself instead. Escambia County Deputies 55-year-old Michael Howle was taken by family to West Florida Hospital around 5 p.m. Howle says he was trying to kill a snake in his yard. When Howle spotted the snake, he told deputies he went inside to grab a gun to kill it. But in the yard, Howle says the rattler slithered its way around Howle`s right leg, tripping him. Howle says the snake was pinned beneath him, and when he tried to free it, his weapon discharged. Howle says he shot himself in the back of the ankle. More